Fall 2020 Methodology Applications Series:

Modeling Context: To Kansas and Beyond
James Bovaird

James Bovaird

The MAP Academy invites you to a presentation of the Fall 2020 Methodology Applications Series,
featuring James Bovaird, director of the Nebraska Academy of Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics.

Friday, October 23, 2020 12:00-1:30 p.m. Zoom videoconference

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Modeling Context: To Kansas and Beyond

A child’s home life, local politics, grade promotion, youth sports — nearly everything in our immediate, changing and future environments affect individual behavior. This presentation will discuss methodological possibilities and psychometric considerations of the proximal and distal influences of multiple interacting systems in our environments.

Particular attention will be given to operationalizing contexts, validating latent measures of context and its effects, and disentangling the context from the individual.


Date, Time, & Location
Friday, October 23, 2020
12:00-1:30 PM
Zoom videoconference

Presentation: Modeling Context: To Kansas and Beyond

This virtual presentation is free and open to the public.

Join the Zoom videoconference Oct. 23.


James Bovaird

Director, Nebraska Academy of Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics

James Bovaird is the founding director of the Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He has significant statistical consulting experience, especially with designs requiring hierarchical, multilevel and structural equation modeling.

Bovaird's research interests focus on methodological applications and innovations in the use of advanced multivariate techniques in the social sciences, especially in education and psychology. He has authored several methodological book chapters, edited a compilation on longitudinal methods in the presence of contextual effects and authored several methodological articles in major quantitative and substantive journals.

Full Biography