Fall 2018 Methodology Applications Series:
Adaptation in the Social, Behavioral and Education Sciences:
Implications for Measurement, Evaluation and Intervention
James Bovaird

The MAP Academy invites you to the Fall 2018 Methodology Applications Series, featuring James Bovaird, Director, Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics.
Friday November 30, 2018 Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, Ubuntu Room (202)
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Adaptation in the Social, Behavioral and Education Sciences: Implications for Measurement, Evaluation and Intervention
Adaptive methodologies have a long, often unfamiliar history. This presentation will introduce three broad categories of adaptive methodologies that have been, are becoming, or should become familiar to researchers in the social, behavioral and education sciences.
Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is a familiar application of adaptive methodology applied to measurement and psychometric contexts that can significantly reduce the amount of data required for reliable, valid assessments through planned adaptability.
Adaptive interventions such as sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trials (SMARTs) utilize planned adaptability to determine how a treatment may change to better adjust to participants’ needs.
Sequentially designed evaluations have been prevalent in medical contexts for decades, and have been shown to save considerable time and money while addressing numerous practical and ethical considerations. Whereas a CAT adapts the assessment tool to refine measurement, and adaptive interventions adapt the intervention itself to refine the treatment, sequentially designed evaluations adapt the evaluation context of an existing intervention to refine the resources necessary to make a valid inference.
Date, Time, & Location
Friday, November 30, 2018
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, Ubuntu Room (202)
This presentation is free, open to the public, and requires no registration.

James Bovaird
Director, Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics
James Bovaird is the founding director of the Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has significant statistical consulting experience, especially with designs requiring hierarchical, multilevel and structural equation modeling.
Bovaird's research interests focus on methodological applications and innovations in the use of advanced multivariate techniques in the social sciences, especially in education and psychology. He has authored several methodological book chapters, edited a compilation on longitudinal methods in the presence of contextual effects and authored several methodological articles in major quantitative and substantive journals.
Full Biography